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hot wheels course

this is a collection of photographs i took of a hot wheels course i built comprised of various hot wheels track sets using a digital camera.

thumbnails are scaled-down versions of the original image.  to see the full-size original image, which will open in a new window, click its respective thumbnail.

a hot wheels car on this course starts off going downhill from a computer cart tray to a mid-tower computer into turns one and two, making a 180 degree turn.  from the mid-tower computer, it then goes further downhill into a loop, defying gravity.  from the loop, it then goes into a super charger.  from the super charger, it then goes uphill to a couch into turns three and four, making a 180 degree turn.  from the couch, it then again goes downhill to the floor into turns five and six, making a 180 degree turn.  lastly, it goes over a trapdoor which deploys a speed slowing parachute, going again uphill, slightly, for additional speed slowing.

this course was built out of assorted pieces from various reproductions of vintage hot wheel track sets.  never took inventory of just which assorted pieces were used and as such i've no measurement, exact or estimated, of how long this particular course measures.  back in 2006 while at a local kmart (on a mission to acquire star wars action figures and/or star wars lego sets), my eyes caught sight of reproductions of vintage hot wheels track sets, like those my father and his siblings used to play with (that my siblings and i too played with, decades later).

i'm unable to confirm with more than my memory the exact likeness of the vintage track sets to their reproductions.  my memory says that other than some parts differing in color (e.g. such as the clamps: then purple, now red) they're of the exact same molds.  web searches show identical part/catalog numbers between the vintage sets and their reproductions.

starting line (computer cart keyboard tray)
turns one and two (moo, a gateway computer... get it?)
loop and parachute
super charger
turns three and four (couch)
turns five and six
end of the line

i recorded a 10 second video of this track in use video link by the totally boss '57 chevy which accompanied one of these vintage reproduction track sets.

in all, i purchased five reproduction vintage hot wheels (hot wheels classics) track sets:

  • j6654 new window external link (hot wheels classics hot curves race action set)
  • j6657 new window external link (hot wheels classics loop & chute action set)
  • j6660
  • h9605 new window external link (hot wheels classics super charger assortment)
  • h9608
3" (high wall)13.0"
6" (high wall)16.0"
12" (low wall)672.0"
12" (high wall)336.0"
18" (low wall)20360.0"
18" (high wall)8144.0"
18.25" (low wall)118.25"
18.5" (high wall)355.5"
24" (low wall)124.0"

measuring straight sections only, i've 718.75" (59' and 10.75") of track.  that's in slight excess of a whooping 1.1% of a mile long! hot dog! end sign

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